Monday, February 18, 2013

Thing #4

Commenting makes the blogosphere what it is today. Without commenting, there would be no real reason for people to post things. I mean people will get use out of someone else's post, but if the author doesn't realize it's helpful they may stop posting. I believe the author needs to be appreciated publicly for their work. As an author, make the post "comment friendly". If people find it easy to connect with your post, commenting should be easy.

As I was reading the provided posts on commenting I realized just how simple it can be. There are many ways to make your blog easy to comment on. This was pointed out in the problogger blog that I read over. It provided tips to make your blog user friendly. On the contrary, as the coolcat teacher blog stated, there is always going to be somebody that totally disagrees with your post. These people will try to tear you down and get you discouraged. She called these types of people the "Darth Commenter." I found all of the blogs very helpful and useful, but these are the main things that stuck out in my mind.

I decided to comment on five of the students enrolled in the 3040 class this semester. I chose these different people because I found something very useful in each of their blogs that either I thought was helpful or I plan to use something they blogged about in the future.

I commented on Houston Thiel's and allory Johnson's Thing #3. Each proposed great ways to incorporate the blogging experience into the classroom. Mallory talked about having her students share their findings with their classmates about different blogs each week. This provides more than one outlook on an assignment for each student.

Matt Little had an amazing post for thing #4. He posed a plethora of neat things when it comes to commenting on blogs. He talked about how the darth commenter was a big problem, and that it is important not to let that person get to you.

William Graves had a great post for thing #6. He had a great website to use for creating tests and quizzes for teachers to save time. I found it interesting that the website was able to make many different types of questions for one test. It made me wonder how many more websites that I will find useful throughout this class.

The fifth classmates' blog I chose to comment on was Clara Brainard's thing #9. She talked about using the image generator to make posters and things for the classroom. I never would have thought about using such things to benefit my students in the class. It was an all around very helpful post.

On the two blogs that weren't associated with the 23 Things assignment, I chose "The Blog of  Unnecessary Quotation Marks" and "Dumb Little Man." The first blog is basically sheer humor. It shows picture of signs, sentences, etc. that have terrible grammar. I'm not superb with my grammar, but I still find this blog hilarious to read. the second blog is more serious. It has helpful hints on how to save time and money, or just general "pick me ups" to get me through the day. I highly suggest checking out these blogs.

I believe that's more than enought about commenting. Sheesh!

Be easy,

J.R. Morris

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